Services: Sales & Rentals, Manufacturing Plant.
Heaters are rented to Oilfield Areas, Cold Engine Startup, Wellheads – Gas Plant thawing, Construction, daily weekly monthly rentals.
Rental & sales on 16” diameter air discharge hose & directional splitters with heavy duty stainless steel couplers.
Insulated Tarps Rentals and Sales.
Parts, Repairs and Service done.
Manufacturing Fiberglass parts, Repairing of all fiberglass parts.
Manufacturing Utility Trailers for Heaters.
Supplying Clean Dry Heat Anywhere it is needed. Can be operated unattended to save - man hours.
Magnetic Heat Generators Serviced
Sand Blasting and Painting
Call us for up to date rental rates.
Servicing Western Canada
Technical Service Over the telephone.
Will do any kind of fiberglass repair (Trucks Hoods, Fenders, Boats and Recreation Vehicles, etc.)